3D printing- technology of the future

3D printing technology has started to be popular in 2009 when many patents expired. But 3D print is here from 1976 and first commercial 3D printer was in 1992.

I wanted to build my own printer in 2012, but I prefer to working abroad (Work and Travel USA) and was an active member of BEST (Board of European Students of Technology).

When I was thinking about my master thesis in November 2015, I know it should be smth about 3D printing. So I have decided work on that for next 4 months. My master thesis called “Development of FDM 3D printer and implementation on the market“. So the plan is to build Reprap, and find some business model.

So I bought parts to build Prusa i3, make them together and it works! Mr. Prusa and his team made a great tutorial how to make it. I invited some friends and we put it together in less than 24 hours.


I am trying improve the concept of i3, find some good business model and later on show my work to company Prusa reseach s.r.o. and help the to build Czech innovative company.

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